Event Information

Missile Madness
(2024-03-29 - 2024-03-31 - Site opens at 2 PM & Closes at 6 PM)
Seven Hills

Welcome to Missile Madness! This event will host all manner and array of missile weaponry and combat. Myriad challenging shoots for both thrown weapons and target archery as well as seige and combat archery combat scenarios, to include armored combatants. Saturday lunch and dinner are included in site cost as is Friday and Saturday camping. Come join us for a weekend respite slinging, flinging and firing with other missile minded folks.


FightingAll things missile weapon. Target archery, seige, combat archery, and thrown weapons will all be part of the weekends activities. Armored combatants are encouraged to join all combat scenarios.
Arts & Sciences: There will be no scheduled A&S activities.
Feast:Saturday lunch and Saturday dinner are included in cost of site. Menu will be Lunch- Soup and Grilled Cheese Sandwich, Fruit and hot/cold drinks. Dinner is Bread, Butter, Pickle, Roast Pork with choice of 2 sauces, Spiced apples, Salad, ginger carrots, cookie/cake and hot or cold drink. GF and vegan options must be requested ahead of time. Requests and questions should be sent to the event cook, Dame Juliana Grene. (aumalthia@gmail.com). Register for your meal by completing the following form by March 27th: https://forms.gle/pKiYVF6RfDvbx4tK8

Merchanting:Merchants are welcome. No additional fees.
Other:This is a primitive site. Land is generally flat with access to a river, creek and spring. Camping and parking will be marked. Scooter accessible in dry weather. Portable restrooms and potable water will be provided. Schedule is as follows. Site opens at 2pm Friday afternoon. Troll closes at 9pm. Troll re-opens at 8am Saturday. Authorizations, fighting field and inspections start at 9am. Morning court at 10am. All missile ranges open after court as well as all melee fields. Lunch is from 12 until 1, Battles are after lunch. Fields close at 4:30pm. Evening Court at 5pm. Dinner to follow court. After dark shoots and tourneys are at the Marshalls discretion. Sunday activities TBD. Site closes 4pm Sunday. 


Adult Member Registration$25.00$0.00$0.00
Adult Non-Member Registration$30.00$0.00$0.00
Youth (8-15)$20.00$0.00$0.00
Child (0-7)$0.00$0.00$0.00
Make Checks Payable To:SCA, Inc., Canton of Seven Hills
Registration Notes:Meals are only included with preregistration. See the Feast section to register for food. Pre-registration will close March 18th. Request for refund must be in writing to the registrar with in 7 days of the close of the event.
Site:847 Dancing Creek Road Monroe, VA 24574
Site Restrictions:Buildings onsite are off limits. Communal fire pit provided. Personal fire pits must be above ground. No ground fires allowed.
Event Steward:Alemere McRafe (Allen Foster), 1912 Izaak Walton Road, Madison Heights, VA 24572, Phone: (434) 5462421, E-mail: Aldemere@yahoo.com
Reservations:Rin of Seven Hills (Erin Vickers), 141 Bryant Dr, Waynesboro, VA 22980, Phone: (434) 849-4914, E-mail: Vickers.erin1@gmail.com

Directions: From the North: Take 29 South to Madison Heights, VA. Turn Right onto Rt.130 west (Elon road), Go 13 miles. Turn right onto Rt 635 (Buffalo Springs Tpke) Go 4.8 miles, Turn left onto Dancing Creek Rd. Go 1.9 miles. Turn left into gravel driveway. From the South: Take 29 North to Madison Heights, VA. Turn left onto Rt.130 west (Elon road), Go 13 miles. Turn right onto Rt 635 (Buffalo Springs Tpke) Go 4.8 miles, Turn left onto Dancing Creek Rd. Go 1.9 miles. Turn left into gravel driveway. Signs will be placed to assist in navigation.